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Lucie Lee | TEDxBradford 11111

Lucie Lee

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Lucie Lee, an independent artist and researcher, performed a short excerpt from Lost, an interdisciplinary and experimental performance using a fusion of dance theatre, digital technologies and science. The inter-relationship between each discipline allows new methods of practice to come to the forefront of the artistic research.

This work explores the human conditions when going through difficult times, which might affect a person’s mental health, alter theirs long-term memories and emotions.

The performance aims to highlight the relationships between arts and science in reference to the sensory perception experiences and biofeedback. The use of Neurosky EEG headset, which is worn by the performer, is used to attain the brain wave data in real time. This data of different brain waves (delta, theta, alpha and gamma as well as use of the raw data) are then transmediated into software called Isadora, which enables the striking visualisation of the active or passive brain waves. The performers interaction between improvisation in responsive or passive mode enables the emotions and memories to manifests into physical expressive form.

You can follow Lucie on Twitter as @LucieLeeDance and learn more about her works at