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Nafeesa Nizami (Naz) is a Psychotherapist, Trainer and Lecturer. She is currently working in the areas of couples, young peoples, parents/families, groups and bilingual therapy for a national charity. Her clinical background includes having worked in the NHS and within child protection. Nafeesa is also undertaking her PhD at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on deconstructing Pre-Trial Therapy; exploring the relationship between law, therapy and sexual abuse through discourse analysis. The research considered through its examination to be a theoretical, political and ethical exercise. Nafeesa has a keen interest in the areas of mental health, social justice, politics, policy analysis, linguistics, ethics, philosophy, post-structuralism, colonial studies, childhood studies, and feminist theories.

At TEDxBradford 2019, Nafeesa explored Intersectionality as an intervention in radically social times, using the frame of intersectionality as a radical activist intervention to address systemic social issues such as racism, gender inequalities and discrimination in the era of rising global populism. Nafeesa will draw upon theories of feminism, colonialism, philosophy and politics, nuanced with punctuations of humour and entertainment.
You can follow Nafeesa on Twitter as @naznizami and find her on LinkedIn at