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Julian Tait | TEDxBradford 11111

Julian Tait

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We Are Sensors: Taking Control in the Internet of Things

Julian Tait opened the inaugural TEDxBradford with a presentation entitled We Are Sensors: Taking Control In The Internet Of Things.

Julian explores the notion of open data cities as “immaterials” – formless dimensions such as data and wifi clouds – and a world where “things will talk to things”…

Initially trained as a photographer, Julian Tait is the Open Data Cities Lead and Digital Innovation Manager at FutureEverything.

He is a technologist, network developer and video producer. He was one of the founders of RedeyeLittlestar, LOOK07 and co-founded the Social Media Café in Manchester, which aims to support people involved and interested in digital technologies.

In 2009 he developed Open Data Cities for FutureEverything to bring about an open data environment within the Greater Manchester region – This has now evolved into DataGM. Through Littlestar, he was shortlisted for the ESNC Galileo Masters programme for the development of a location aware media platform and makes films and digital content for a wide variety of organisations.

You can see Julian’s slides below.